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Part VII-The tide has turned January 1 thru July 1, 1943

フクオ1。ァ。。Part VII-The tide has turned January 1 thru July 1, 1943 1st Post
フクオ2。ァ。。Part VII-The tide has turned January 1 thru July 1, 1943 2nd Post


Today。ヌs update is screenshot heavy so I am breaking it into two posts.


In the first half of 1943, I was able to stop the German advances for the most part. Although the Germans picked up some ground in the southern front, I was able to gain enough to cancel it out in the center. I was even able to start the process of retaking Finland.


Supply has seemly caught up to the Germans in Finland. The United Kingdom was able to advance all the way to Narvik. Partisans were able to liberate Murmansk by themselves. I was even able to reclaim the southern part of Finland.



In the African front Italy was able to hold on to its gains and capture the Suez Canal.



On the Asian front Japan appears to be stalled in Burma.



Also included is a shot of Germany。ヌs production screen. It appears that they did run out of manpower at some point, but now do not have enough IC to actually produce anything.



As you can see in the next screen shot, I was able to launch an attack during the month of June and capture three lightly defended provinces east of Kiev. This marked the first time I was able to actually take land from the Germans on the main front. South of that, the Germans were able to take a few provinces and are currently threatening to push me into the Black Sea. Hopefully my gains in the center will be able to distract them.


On the northern front I was initially lost Kaunas. I was able to retake in once the Germans had run out of organization though.



Also included are some miscellaneous screenshots of my tabs as requested. There is a new brigade in them.



Check back tomorrow for the next update.

Top / AOD / AODネッヌ菽ーセハ / AOD・ル。シ・ソAARツ07ノ(2009ヌッ12キ09ニ)