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Part VI- The Great Patriotic War July 1, thru December 30 1942

フクオ。ァ。。Part VI- The Great Patriotic War July 1, thru December 30 1942


Short update today. I have something else I need to work on.


During the second half of 1942 the Germans continued to move the lines to the east and to the south. Moscow was briefly threatened when they took Bryansk with a determined assault. I was able to counterattack their rear and they were forced to retreat in order to avoid being pocketed. Toward the end of 1942 I was able to stiffen my resistance somewhat.


In other news, Japan annexed China and the United States landed in North Africa.


On the far northern front I was pushed completely out of Finland putting my forces just north of Leningrad. I have not been able to really put any resources into this front so far. I plan on sending some help to this front in 1943. It would help if I could get the Germans out of Finland. That way I could transfer some more divisions to the main front.


In December of 1942 The Great Patriotic War event finally fired bringing my GDE up to .8. On the technology front I was finally able to research Defense in Depth. With the continued build up of my army I will hopefully be able to at least hold my ground in 1943.


The following screenshots are of the fronts as of the end of 1942. Also included is a shot of my current production screen.



Check back tomorrow for the next update.

Top / AOD / AODネッヌ菽ーセハ / AOD・ル。シ・ソAARツ06ノ(2009ヌッ12キ08ニ)