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Arsenal of Democracy FAQ

ーヘムクオ。ァAOD - FAQ

Q: 、ウ、ホ・イ。シ・爨マウネト・・ム・テ・ッ、ネ、キ、ニネホヌ荀オ、、、ホ、ォ。「、ス、、ネ、篥アツホ、ヌニーコ、ケ、、ホ、ォ。ゥ
A: テアツホ、ヌニー、ュ、゙、ケ。」

Q: Is it an expansion or an Standalone?
A: It's standalone.

Q: hoi3、ホ、隍ヲ、ヒホケテト、チネ、゚ケ遉、サ、ニサユテト、コ、、、隍ヲ、ヒ、ケ、ヘスト熙マ、「、、ホ、ォ。ゥ
A: 、ハ、、ネ、篋タ、ィ、゙、サ、。」

Q: Will there ever be system like in hoi 3 that you can build division from brigades?
A: Maybe (A future answer will be here)
we thought about that, but wouldve been to time consuming. maybe,
and only maybe, there will be an option that you can attach multiple brigades, but if this comes in you would need to mod that by yourself

Q: ソキ、ソ、ハ・ュ・罕・レ。シ・・キ・ハ・・ェ、ヒ、ト、、、ニセッ、キカオ、ィ、ニ、筅鬢ィ、゙、サ、、ォ。ゥ
A: 4、ト、ホソキ、ソ、ハタチ隘キ・ハ・・ェ、ャノユ、アイテ、ィ、鬢、ニ、、、゙、ケ。」。。
1947 ・ォ・キ・゚。シ・ハカチ
1948 ツ隹シ。テ貲タチ陦ハ・、・ケ・鬣ィ・ニネホゥタチ陦ヒ
1950 トォチッタチ
1956 ツ霹シ。テ貲タチ陦ハ・ケ・ィ・コエオ。。ヒ

Q: Could you tell us a little bit about the new Campaigns?
A: 4 battle scenarios have been added. 1947 Kasmir War 1948 Arab- Isreal War 1950 Korean War 1956 Suez Crisis
The other 1936-1944 scenarios are still there, even though they are rebalanced and rewritten to make more sense
for example: all ships now have historical brigades

Q: エマチ・、ホノユツーチネ、ヒ、ト、、、ニカオ、ィ、ニ、ッ、タ、オ、、。」
A: 、ケ、ル、ニ、ホチ・、マホサヒ、ヒア隍テ、ソノユツーチネ、サ、ト、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、テ、ニ、、、゙、ケ。」。。

Q: What about Ship Brigades?
A: All ships now have historical brigades.


Q: Did you touch the timeline in any way or allowed the timeline to be extended via simple text file modification??
A: We made techs to fill the 1950-1964. Changing of timeline in external file is a good suggestion (Future answer may come)
Techteams can gain / loose skill and gain / loose traits/ specialities.
This is event driven and fully user moddable.

Q: サハホ盒ア、ソ、チ、ヒイソ、ォハムケケ、イテ、ィ、゙、キ、ソ、ォ。ゥ
A: 、、、、、ィ。「エ、ト、ォ、ホス、タオ、ホ、゚、ヌ、ケ、ャ。「、ソ、ヨ、、ウ、、鬢ホス、タオ、マ・イ。シ・爭ラ・・、、ヒ、ロ、ネ、、ノアニカチ、、筅ソ、鬢オ、ハ、、、ヌ、キ、遉ヲ。」。。。ハセュヘ陦「、隍セワ、キ、、ハヨナ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、、ォ、筅キ、、゙、サ、。ヒ

Q: Any changes to the leaders?
A: No, there where made some modifications, but i probalby wont have any gameplay effect. (Future answer may be changed)

Q: クヲオ豬。エリ、マhoi2、ホ、隍ヲ、ヒオサスムホマ、ャクヌト熙オ、、ソハェ、ネ、ハ、、ホ、ヌ、ケ、ォ。ゥ。。、ス、、ネ、筍「サエヨ、ネカヲ、ヒクセ螟オ、サ、、ウ、ネ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、、ホ、ヌ、ケ、ォ。ゥ
A: クヲオ豬。エリ、マ・ケ・ュ・、菷ターユハャフ、チ、荀キ、ソ、クコ、鬢キ、ソ、熙ャ、ヌ、ュ、゙、ケ。」。。、ウ、、マ・譯シ・カ。シ、ホウァ、オ、、ャシォヘウ、ヒMOD、ヌハムケケ、ヌ、ュ、、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、テ、ニ、、、゙、ケ。」

Q: Are techteams as static as they were in hoi2 or is it possible to improve them over 01:01:21
A: Techteams can gain / loose skill and gain / loose traits/ specialities. This is event driven and fully user moddable.

Q: ソキ、ソ、ハケイネ、マトノイテ、オ、、゙、ケ、ォ。ゥ
A: 、、、、、ィ。」、ソ、タ、キソキオャトオチケ、トノイテ、キ、゙、キ、ソ。」。ハMODコタョシヤ、ホ、゚、、ハ、マ。「、ウ、チ、鬢、゚、ニ、ヘ。ヒ

Q: Will this be adding any new nations?
A: No, but we added new defined countries. (All modders look here)

We added a whole bunch of user new defined countries - but as the scenarios still are the same we didnt use any of them.
So if you are a modder - just go ahead and make some noise


Q: Do you have any influence from some major mod(s) in your design philosophy, or are you keeping the overall framework from vanilla?
A: The idea has always been to keep the hoi2 feel - at least all that made it fun.


Q: What about historical events?
A: No new historical events. But we did fix a lot of event related bugs and modefied and added some events for gameplay purposes.


Q: Will there be a new map?
A: No.


Q: What have you done to address late game slowdowns?
A: Theres a new modifier which determines how much of your people are retiring due to aging. This should correct the mass unit spams of the late game


Q: What about the bugs in normal hoi2?
A: We have solved pretty much every bug on the culmulative bug list, and some more.

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