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Arsenal of Democracy: Development Diary 2 - Simulating complex behavior is no simple task!
by Lennart Berg

フクオ。ァ。。Arsenal of Democracy: Development Diary 2


January 20, 2010 - Hi, I'm Lennart Berg and I'm the lead developer on Arsenal of Democracy, a Hearts of Iron game. Last time I talked a little about the motivations behind our game, and this time I would like to talk about the combat.


Once we had ironed out the bugs, we wanted to make one of the main areas of the game – combat, of course – more realistic. So we started a chat session and started discussing changes we would make to combat. Games like this have a lot happening behind the scenes – lots of numbers that determine what happens when one unit meets another. Andy always backed up the discussions with excel spreadsheets so that we could see the effects of our new models compared to actual history.


Now why did we do all that work? "It's just a bunch of numbers, right?" some would ask. "Just add them all together and you have a combat simulation。ト" Well, yes, at first glance you might only think about the direct influences, but if you go deeper, you need to think about how the numbers interact.


ニヒワ、マ、ウ、ホ・イ。シ・爨ヌ、簍ワナレ、・ソ・。シ、ヌハ、、ヲ、ウ、ネ、ヒ、ォ、ア、ニ、マタ、ウヲ、ホ・遙シ・タ。シ、ヌ、ケ。」。。Japan - still the world leaders in stacking envelopes.


Let me take an example: An air dogfight between fighters and bombers. Now, bombers also have guns and can defend themselves, so if we were to take raw numbers, there would be situations where, if a fighter plane division met a huge amount of bombers, it would be blown to pieces within hours. This actually happens in Hearts of Iron 2. That might be correct if you add the numbers together; however, you're probably thinking: What the。ト? Fighters losing to bombers? And yes, we thought the same.


That is why we went into more depth and implemented mechanics to simulate combat in more detail. If we are talking about air combat, then we would argue that the fighters would concentrate on one bomber division trying to take it down, and not spread out to get wiped out.


The same happened with all other combat situations. For example, how does the softness of an Armored and Motorized division combine and affect their combined strength? How does the increased firepower affect combat losses and combat length throughout WW2? What happens if you add a Heavy Armored brigade to Infantry, and how does it differ from adding it to an already solid target like a Mechanized division?


Previously, many of these factors were again just solved just by adding up the numbers. That resulted in situations where the addition of hard brigades like tanks was totally wasted on soft divisions like infantry, but it would do wonders on already well-equipped hard divisions like Mechanized and Armored divisions. This, of course, is utter nonsense.


Also, combat would get shorter and shorter throughout the war while getting bloodier and bloodier, at least if you just look at the raw combat power of each division. But history has taught us that increased firepower means a greater dispersion of troops and hence, fewer combat losses per day and increased combat time. Starting with the days of the sword, where a battle could be over in hours with horrible casualties, and going all the way to our modern times, where just small skirmishes can take weeks. For both of these situations we again drastically changed the way the numbers work, making combat both more realistic and more controllable.


  • タニョ、ヒケケ、ハ、・讌ヒ・テ・ネ、イテ、ィ、ソサ、ヒ、隍クイフ、クコセッ、キ、゙、キ、ソ。」
  • ・讌ヒ・テ・ネ、ホケカキ簧マ、マタネシ蠡ュ、ネツミタシヨケカキ簧マ、ホコケ、ヒ、隍テ、ニハムケケ、キ、゙、キ、ソ。」
  • ホヲセ蠡ニョ、ヒ、ェ、、、ニ、マ。ヨネソキ筍ラ、茖ヨテルア菎スム。ラ。ヨハーマ。ラ、ハ、ノ、ネ、、、テ、ソタニョ・、・ル・・ネ、ーソキ、キ。「、ス、、セ、、ホ・、・ル・・ネ、ャタニョ、ホキイフ、ハム、ィ、、隍ヲ、ヒ、キ、゙、キ、ソ。」
  • チ・、ホチケテ、ホクイフ、マ。「ケカキ篦ヲ、ホヒ、、ホヌスホマ、ヒ、隍テ、ニコクアヲ、オ、、゙、ケ。」
  • ウ、セ螂讌ヒ・テ・ネ、マナィ、ホテラフソナェ、ハノハャ、ヒフソテ讀キ、ソサ、ヒ、隍。ヨケャアソ、ハーキ筍ラ、スミ、サ、、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、熙゙、キ、ソ。」。。
  • チ・、マクォ、ト、ォ、ーラ、オ、ネテオテホヌスホマ、サ、ト、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、遙「ク゚、、、ヒキ筅チケ遉ヲ、ソ、皃ヒ、マ。「、゙、コチシ熙クォ、ト、ア、ハ、ア、、ミ、ハ、鬢ハ、ッ、ハ、熙゙、キ、ソ。」。。。ン、ス、キ、ニ。「、ウ、、ヒ、隍テ、ニ。「・。シ・タ。シ、荼ハ、ホツクコ゚、ャウ、セ蠡ニョ、ホヒ。ツァ、ーハム、オ、サ、セカキ、ャタク、゙、、、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、熙゙、キ、ソ。」

There are a lot of other factors we take into account, like:

  • Diminishing returns of added combat units.
  • The attack strength of units altered by the difference in softness and hard attacks. (armored now exploiting their armor against ill-protected softer targets)
  • Land combat has totally reworked combat events like "counter attack," "tactical withdrawal," "encirclement" and others, each of which can alter the outcome of the battle.
  • Ships' armor effect is now dependent on the attacking guns' strength.
  • Naval Units can now also have lucky shots, hitting a vital area of the enemy.
  • Ships have visibility and detection values, and must find each other before being able to shoot at each other – and this allows a simulation of how radar and CVs changed the laws on the sea.
    That's just to name a few!

スナ、ヌ、マ、ハ、、。「トカスナ、タ。ェ。。Not just heavy - super heavy.


Even something "simple" like how each unit selects a target for engagement is a science in itself, is based on a lot of different factors, and needed careful thought. However, two years of work later, and units now behave naturally within their own element – and as a bonus we added more missions, and more functions, like scorched earth. We also added self-preservation AIs to units, so that they would escape automatically if there's no hope of surviving the engagement. And units will fight fiercely when cornered – beware of those large pockets.


And so on and so on. All in all we are Very pleased with the combat simulation we made.
But boy, those were long discussions!


If you have any questions or want to see what we are working on, just check out the forum.


Next time I'll talk about the historical accuracy of AOD, so stay tuned.

Top / AOD / AODネッヌ菽ーセハ / IGNキヌコワ、ホAODウォネッニオュ_ツ02イ(2010ヌッ01キ20ニ)