Top / AOD / AODネッヌ菽ーセハ / AODウォネッニオュ_ツ02イ(2009ヌッ09キ17ニ)


AODウォネッニオュツ2イ - 2009ヌッ9キ17ニ
Dev Diary #2 - Missions - 17.September 2009


So it。ヌs Thursday again, and as promised, here is the second Development Diary. Today I will tell you something about the new missions we implemented and what we changed about the old ones.


In Air Warfare we reworked Strategic Bombardment so that it is now a combination of attacks on the province Infrastructure, AA, Radar, Ports and Installations. The Attack is spread evenly over the different Province Constructions. For Special Attacks solely against the Industrial Base there is a new Air Mission called "Industrial Bombardment". This attack will be increased in efficiency through new technologies in the period of 43/44 to avoid too much destruction right at the outbreak of war. The Mission is dependent on the Strategic Bombardment Value of the corresponding Unit and is Very effective in Late War scenarios.



As already mentioned on the Forums, it now costs IC to rebuild constructions quickly. We also integrated a small rebuild-for-free modifier. So if your country is, for example, completely wiped out and you either don。ヌt want or can。ヌt invest anything in rebuilding, the full IC, Radar, AA, Port and Infrastructure Capacity will recover completely and for free over the time span of 10 years.


、゙、ソ。「サ荀ソ、チ、マウチマゥヌヒイヌ、フウ、タ゚ト熙キ、ハ、ェ、キ、゙、キ、ソ。」。。、ウ、ホヌ、フウ、マAOD、ヌ、マ。ヨケメカエテマケカキ筍ハAirport Strike。ヒ。ラ、ネクニ、ミ、。「テマセ螟ヒ、、、ケメカオ。、ヒツサウイ、ヘソ、ィ、、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、熙゙、ケ。」。。ツソフワナェタニョオ。、マ、ウ、ホヌ、フウ、、ネ、ニ、篋イフナェ、ヒ、ウ、ハ、ケ、ウ、ネ、ャ、ヌ、ュ。「ヒノアメ、ホター、テ、ニ、、、ハ、、カケチ、ホケメカオ。、ヒツミ、キ、ニツ遉ュ、ハツサウイ、ヘソ、ィ、、ウ、ネ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、゙、ケ。」。。、筅チ、、。「ツミカヒ、、茹。シ・タ。シ、マヒノアメツヲ、ヒセッホフ、ホ・ワ。シ・ハ・ケ、ノユヘソ、キ、゙、ケ。」。。。。、ネ、ウ、、ヌ。「マテツ熙マハム、、熙゙、ケ、ャ。「ツミカヒ、、ホクホィ、マニア、ク・ラ・・・」・・ケニ筅ヒキ、ニ、鬢、ソ・。シ・タ。シエテマ、ホソ、ヒ、隍テ、ニコクアヲ、オ、、゙、ケ。」

We have also redesigned the way Runway Cratering works. This mission is now called "Airport Strike" and harms aircraft on the ground. Multi-role Fighters are Very effective in this Mission and do a lot of damage to aircraft at undefended Airports. Of course, AA and Radar give the defender a small bonus. By the way: AA efficiency rises with the number of Radar Stations constructed in the same province.



In the Mission Details Menu, we changed Naval and Air Missions in the way that you can select the Range of Engagement. For example, if it shall be a single province, a whole area or even a complete region that shall be the target. We also added an Option so that you can now set the mission length for several years. The new "Infinite" time length button, which will result in a non-stop mission until the player aborts, should also come in handy.


トオハ・ソ・ヨ、ヌ、マソキ、ソ、ヒ。ヨウ、キウトオハ。ハNaval Intelligence。ヒ。ラ、ネ、、、ヲヌ、フウ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、゙、キ、ソ。」。。、ウ、ホヌ、フウ、ャタョク、ケ、、ネ。「ソスオエヨ、ホエヨ。「ツミセンケ、ホエマツ筅ホニー、ュ、クォ、、ウ、ネ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、、隍ヲ、ヒ、ハ、遙「、ノ、、ハヌ、フウ、ヒ、ト、、、ニ、、、、ホ、ォ。「、ス、キ、ニ。「、ス、ホエマツ筅ケスタョ、キ、ニ、、、、ホ、マ、ノ、、ハエマ、ハ、ホ、ォ、クォ、、ウ、ネ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、゙、ケ。」

In the Espionage Tab, there is a new Mission called "Naval Intelligence". When this mission succeeds, you are able to see the fleet of that country for a couple of weeks, what its mission is and what ships it consists of.


1) ヌスホマ、ホーロ、ハ、ハ」ソ、ホ・讌ヒ・テ・ネ、、ノ、ホ、隍ヲ、ハヌ、フウ、ヌ、簇アサ、ヒフソホ皃オ、サ、、ウ、ネ、ャ、ヌ、ュ、゙、ケ。」。。。ンコタイトヌスネマーマ、ホーロ、ハ、ハフ。ケ、ホ・讌ヒ・テ・ネ、ヒニアサ、ヒフソホ皃ヌ、ュ、ハ、、、ネクタ、ヲタゥクツ、マ、ハ、ッ、キ、゙、キ、ソ。」
2) ・讌ヒ・テ・ネ、マヌ、フウ、ケヤニーネマーマニ筅ホ・ラ・・・」・・ケ、ヌ、ホ、゚シツケヤ、ヌ、ュ、゙、ケ。」。。hoi2、ホ、隍ヲ、ヒテマー隍ヌ、マ、「、熙゙、サ、。」。。、隍テ、ニフワノク、ネ、キ、ニテマハチエツホ、チェ、、タ、ネ、キ、ニ、筍「コタイトヌスネマーマニ筅ホ・ラ・・・」・・ケ、ホ、゚、ャフワノク、ネ、ハ、熙゙、ケ。」。。スセ、テ、ニ。「カ眤ワケメカサルア邨。、ャ、「、テマー隍ヌ、マ3000km、ホネマーマ、゙、ヌニー、ュイ、、ネ、、、テ、ソ、隍ヲ、ハhoi2・キ・ケ・ニ・爨ホーュヘム、マシ隍ス、ォ、、゙、キ、ソ。」

EDIT: (Lennartos)
Some things we forgot to mention:
1) you can freely select differenty unit with different stats for any mission - the limitation of different units with different range has been removed.
2) Units only fulfill missions in PROVINCES they have range to - not areas like in hoi2 - so even if you select region as a target, only provinces in range will be targets. - The exploit wih CAS ranging 3000km in certain areas has therefore been removed.
These 2 things also make large scale missions a breeze - just select units - mission - timescale, if any - done.

Top / AOD / AODネッヌ菽ーセハ / AODウォネッニオュ_ツ02イ(2009ヌッ09キ17ニ)