DH/イベントコマンドリスト のバックアップ差分(No.1)

-[[DH/イベントコマンドリスト]] 本ページ
*DH/追加イベントコマンドリスト [#w6608997]
**DHの基本構文 [#ica075ad]
//#Darkest Hour now supports infinite action amounts in an event. Previously, there could only be four
 action = { 	
  name = "[action name]" or name = "ACTIONNAME4000A"
//# name or description of action either directly wriiten or placed in event.txt file in config folder like above.
  ai_chance = X
//# X between 0 - 100%
  command = { [commands] }
//# Valid commands listed and explained below, number of commands in one action is unlimited for any practical purpose as far as i know
 action = {
「action」のあとに「trigger =」と書くと、条件指定出来る。もちろん「action」ではなく「action_a」のあとに条件指定してもOK。
 action = {
  name = "2003005a"
  command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -15 }
  command = { type = relation which = ENG value = -5 }
  command = { ベルギーがフランスと同盟していれば、同盟から抜けるイベントに飛ぶ。
    trigger = { alliance = { country = FRA country = BEL } }
    type = trigger which = 2015008 }  # Belgium leaves the Allies
  command = { ドイツがAIなら、AIを切り替える。
    trigger = { ai = yes } 
    type = ai which = "switch/GER_Rhine.ai" }

 action = {
  trigger = { local_flag = GER_ECO_PLANNED_ECONOMY }
  ai_chance = 30
  name = "経済はついに回復した!"
  command = { type = industrial_modifier which = total value = 20 }
  command = { type = sleepevent which = 908049 }


**DH専用コマンド [#s80a78e2]
***イベント連鎖 [#c72a95f7]
:type = event which = [event id] where = TAG/-1(current country) when = [delay](in days) |対象国(TAG)で指定日数(when = [delay])以降、指定イベント(which = [event id])を発生させる。
//# Trigger [event id] for country TAG or for the current country [delay] days later.
//# If there is no delay set or it is 0 (when = 0), then the event is instantly executed.
//# Limitations:
//#Queued events should use the same format as events that are called directly form another event (no date and offset, no trigger etc.)
//#If the country does not exists or ceases to exist before the execution of the event, then this event might not trigger at all
//# Save-game format (in globaldata { }): queued_events = { event = { tag = TAG  id = EVENT_ID hour = Remaining hours until triggering } }

***閣僚 [#w87881e5]
:type = wakeminister which = [minister id / -1]|指定閣僚(which = [minister id / -1])を使用可能にする。
//# makes a dormant minister available. Use -1 to activate a random dormant minister.

***内政 [#a4a46641]
:type = name where = TAG [which = string ]|対象国(TAG)の国名を変更する。stringは任意の文字列でもcsv参照文字列でも良い。
//# where change name of TAG; which - new country name; use empty string (  ) or no which to reset name to default. name now can be a string in any of the CSV text files.
 SPRCIVILWAR;スペイン(共和派);Republican Spain;;;;;;;;;X
 command = {
  type = name where = SPR which = SPRCIVILWAR
 command = {
  type = name where = JAP which = "大日本帝国"
 command = {
  type = name where = JAP which = JAP
:type = flag_ext where = TAG [which = "string"]|対象国(TAG)の国旗を変更する。
//# where change flag of TAG; which - add that string to flag/shield/counter name and skin folder; use empty string ("") or no skip to clear.

:type = country which = TAG|指定された(TAG)の国に変更する。
//# changes current country to TAG

:type = auto_trade which = (oil/energy/metal /rare_materials/supplies/money) when = (import/export/stockpile) value = 1/0|指定された資源(oil/energy/metal /rare_materials/supplies/money)の
貿易(import/export/stockpile)をAIに委任/解除(value = 1/0)する。
//# toggle auto-trade options

:type = auto_trade_reset|貿易委任のリセット。備蓄を無効にして全資源の輸出入を許可する。
//# reset auto-trade options to defaults (Stockpile disabled, Import and Export enabled for all resources)

:type = trade which = TAG1 where = TAG2 [energy = x] [metal = x] [rare_materials = x]  [oil = x]  [supplies = x]  [money = x] [when = Days duration / default is 100 years] [value = 1/0  default, can be broken, 1 = not]|対象国(TAG1)が対象国(TAG2)と資源[energy = x] [metal = x] [rare_materials = x] [oil = x] 
[supplies = x] [money = x]の期間指定([when = Days duration / default is 100 years])貿易協定を締結する。
 command = { 
  type = trade which = SOV where = GER oil = -10 money = 1 value = 1
 command = {  type = end_trades which = GER where = SOV }
応用すれば降伏後の戦時賠償イベントなどに使える。例:5年間の賠償ならwhen =1800に設定し破棄不可貿易協定にすると良い。

:type = wartime_ic_mod value = X(%)|戦時工業力を修正する。
//# Additive, and ONLY applied when a country is at war. Default base value is 100%.

***外交 [#d24975e5]
:type = alliance which = [tag] [where = 1/2/3]|対象国(TAG)と同盟を組む。&br;where以下があれば3大同盟に加盟する
//# This country enters in an alliance with country = [tag], [-1] for random country, where = 1 Axis/ 2  Allies / 3 Comintern

:type = alliance_leader [which = TAG] [where = 0(default)/1/2/3]|対象国(TAG)が同盟の盟主になる。
//# Sets TAG (or country in question if no which is specified) as the new leader of Axis (where = 1), Allies (where = 2) or Comintern (where = 3) or of its current alliance

:type = alliance_name which = XXXXX where = 1/2/3|3大同盟の名称を任意に変更する。
whichに変更後の同盟名称(CSV fileに指定された参照名)を指定する。&br;whereは&br;1が枢軸タグ&br;2が連合タグ&br;3が共産タグ
//# Sets Axis (where = 1), Allies (where = 2) or Comintern (where = 3) name to defined as ALLIANCE_XXXXX in a CSV file, victory string - GAME_END_XXXXX_VICTORY, total victory string - GAME_END_XXXXX_TOTAL, alliance picture used on game quit/scenario end - gfx\interface\XXXXX_ledg.bmp and background picture used on alliance victory - gfx\interface\frontend\endgame_XXXXX.bmp

:type = military_control which = TAG1 where = TAG2 value = 1/0|対象国(TAG1)が対象国(TAG2)の統帥権を獲得/返還(value = 1/0)する。&br;0が返還&br;1が獲得
//# which controlling country; where controlled country; value 1(assume MC), 0 (relinquish MC)
 command = {
  type = military_control which = GER where = SPA value = 1

:type = embargo which = TAG1 where = TAG2 [value = -2/-1/0/1/2/3]|対象国(TAG1)が対象国(TAG2)に禁輸を指定/解除[value = -2/-1/0/1/2/3]する。&br;-2が青写真交換禁輸解除&br;-1が貿易禁輸解除&br;0が全面禁輸解除&br;1が貿易禁止&br;2が青写真交換禁止&br;3が全面禁止&br;イベントで他国から禁輸が実施された場合、禁輸解除するには相手国を一旦併合して再独立させるか、相手国で解除コマンドを実行するイベントを発生させるしかない。
//# which enforcer; where subject; value: -2 clear tech embargo; -1 clear trade embargo; 0 or no value clear all embargoes; 1 enforce trade embargo; 2 enforce tech embargo; 3 enforce both trade and tech embargoes; If which = where then value = 0 (clear all embargoes the country has), -1 (clears all trade embargoes the country has), -2 (clears all tech embargoes the country has)
 command = {
  type = embargo which = FRA where = ENG value = 3
 command = {
  type = embargo which = USA where = JAP value = 0

:type = secedearea which = TAG/-1/-2 value = AREA_NAME [when = 0(default)/1/2]|対象国(TAG)に指定地域(エリア)(value = AREA_NAME)割譲/返還[when = 0(default)/1/2]する。
//# when = 0(default) use the old secede logic (has some flaws; kept for compatibility), 1 use new secede logic (only controlled provinces change control, only owned provinces change ownership) , 2 set owner and controller to TAG no matter who currently owns or controls the province
 command = {
   type = secedearea which = GER value = "Lorraine_Alsace" when = 1 
 command = { 
   trigger = { 
    exists = CHC 
    NOT = { exists = CHI }
   type = secedearea which = CHC value = "Taiwan" when = 1 

:type = secederegion which = TAG/-1/-2 value = REGION_NAME [when = 0(default)/1/2]|対象国(TAG)に指定地方(リージョン)(value = REGION_NAME)割譲/返還[when = 0(default)/1/2]する。
//# when = 0(default)  use the old secede logic (has some flaws; kept for compatibility), 1 use new secede logic (only controlled provinces change control, only owned provinces change ownership) , 2  set owner and controller to TAG no matter who currently owns or controls the province

:type = inherit which = [tag] value = 1/0(default)|対象国(TAG)を併合する。
//# This country inherits country Tag, [-1] for random. Value = 1 : country will receive all units and production queue too

:type = addclaim which = [prov id]|指定プロヴィンスに領有権を主張する。miscで定義された通りに好戦性が変更する、または変更しない。
//# Add province to country claims

:type = removeclaim which = [prov id]|指定プロヴィンスの領有権主張を撤回する。miscで定義された通りに好戦性が変更する、または変更しない。
//# Remove province from country claims

***資源 [#x30aa5d6]
:type = stockpile which = (industry / supplies (used for oil too) / all) when = ( war / peace / all ) value = XX|資源備蓄の用途(industry / supplies)を指定する。when以下が戦時/平時/両方。valueが備蓄値。

:type = manpowerpool value = [value to add] [when = 1/0]|労働力を指定値value = [value to add]増減する。
//# When set 1 add the MP as percentage (value = x.x) of the MP in all controlled national provinces.

***軍事 [#zf0321b2]
:type = add_leader_skill which = [leader id/-1] value = [X]|指定(which = [leader id])または任意[-1]の指揮官スキルを増減(value = [X])する。
//# increase leader skill

:type = land_fort_eff value = [X.X]|陸上要塞効率を増減する。value 1=100%
// # Value is added to the current value 1.0 = 100%

:type = coast_fort_eff value = [X.X]|沿岸要塞効率を増減する。value 1=100%
//# Value is added to the current value 1.0 = 100%

:type = convoy_def_eff value = [X.X]|輸送船団防衛効率を増減する。value 1=100%
//# Value is added to the current value 1.0 = 100%

:type = ground_def_eff value = [X.X] when = [0/1/2]|対地防御効率を増減する。&br;whenは&br;0が指定値に置き換え&br;1が指定値を加減算&br;2が初期値(1.0)にリセット
// # when = 0 (or no when) - Value replaces the current value 1.0 = 100%, when = 1 - Value added to current GDE, when = 2 - reset GDE to global default (set in misc.txt)

:type = strength which = [all/land/air/naval/unit type] when = [0/1] where = [0/1] [org = x.xx] value = [+/- x.xx]|ユニットの戦力を増減する。 whichが陸海空指定、&br;whenは&br;0がvalue値に戦力をセット&br;1がvalue値の割合だけ戦力を増減
//#which- specifies unit type(s)
//#when- 0 set STR value (if value = 0.0 then the this unit will be instantly deleted), 1   add to STR value (final STR cannot be less then 0.01 or 1% and more then max unit STR, usually 1.0 or 100%)
//#where- 0  take/return MP from/to the pool. If there is not enough MP then the command is skipped. 1  Ignore MP pool (MP not taken/added to it).
//;#value- 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%). Can be negative if when = 1
//#org- Percentage of the current ORG that should remain if when = 0 (0.0 set ORG to 0%, 1.0  keep current ORG unchanged. Default is 1.0. NOTE: This value is modified by the actual STR change for each division). Set ORG to percentage of max. Org if when = 1
 command = { 
  type = strength which = land when = 0 where = 0 org = 1.0 value = 0.05
 command = { 
  type = strength which = land when = 1 where = 0 org = 1.0 value = 0.05
 command = {
  type = strength which = land when = 1 where = 0 org = 0 value = -0.1
 command = { 
   type = strength which = submarine when = 0 where = 0 org = 0 value = 0

:type = demobilize which = [unit_type/land/air/naval] when = [1/0] where = [1/0] value = [+/- X]|指定された種類(which = [unit_type/land/air/naval])のユニットを指定値(value =正の場合残すユニット数を指定、負の場合減らすユニット数を指定)に従って削減(つまりユニット削除)する。
//#which unit type or land, naval, air branches that will be reduced in number
//#when 0(default) - scrap most obsolete or damaged units first, 1 scrap best units first
//#where 0(default) - return MP from disbanded units to the MP pool, 1 do not return MP from disbanded units to the MP pool
//#value >= 0 - How many units of the specified type to remain, < 0 how many units of the specified type to be disbanded
 command = { 
  type = demobilize which = land when = 1 where = 0 value = 10
 command = { 
  type = demobilize which = battleship when = 1 where = 1 value = -1

**DH用に変更されたコマンド [#z8eda45c]
:type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type] when = XXX cost = x.xx name = "unit name" where = [days for 1st]|生産画面に追加する。出来上がった物がもらえるわけではない。労働力(人的資源)が必要。
when =は連続生産数を整数で指定(最大99)。cost =はAI用として初期コスト(IC)を正の値で指定する。
//# This command requires MP for each division it adds to the queue. So if you don't have enough MP one or more (even all) of the units could not be added to the production queue.&#160;
//- when = XXX	# Sets serial line XXX items long.
//- cost = x.xx # Sets starting cost. Note that this cost will be changed automatically for players to match correct cost and for the AI if it is higher then the correct cost! If set to negative (-0.2) , then the cost will be fixed for players too (set to 0.2) and for AI countries this unit will be inserted on top of the build queue instead of being appended at the bottom.

**機能するようになったイベントコマンド [#u4d826ed]
:type = delete_unit which = [naval/air/land/-1/-2/-3] value = X|whichのタイプでユニットidがXの軍(ユニット)を削除する。&br;-1:陸軍ユニットランダム削除&br;-2:海軍ユニットランダム削除&br;-3:空軍ユニットランダム削除&br;ランダム削除の場合、value =以下は無効。

:type = wakeleader which = [leader_id]|dormant設定されている[leader_id]の将軍を登場年以降に利用可能にする&br;DDA1.2までは機能していない。&br;よく誤解されるが、''leaderファイルに登録されている将軍を即時使用可能にするコマンドではない''。

*Ver.1.03で追加/変更されたイベントコマンドリスト [#rea51add]

**追加されたイベントコマンドリスト [#n4258b63]
:type = strength_cap which = [unit_type/land/air/naval] when = [1/0] where = [1/0] value = [+/- X]|指定ユニット(which指定)の戦力値(充足率)の上限(キャップ)を設定する&br;&br;when以下&br;0は指定値に設定する(デフォルト)&br;1は指定値を加減算する&br;&br;where以下&br;0は配備済み/新規生産ともに上限を設定する(デフォルト)&br;1は配備済みユニットのみキャップを適用(新規生産は非適用)&br;&br;value以下&br;戦力値(充足率)の上限値(キャップ)を1%単位で設定&br;なお、キャップの最終設定は101%以上、1%以下には出来ない&br;when = 1の場合は、正の数値は加算、負の数値は減算
//which - unit type or land, naval, air to set max strength to
//when - 0(default) - set max strength, 1 - add to max strength
//where - 0(default) - apply to new units too, 1 - apply only for currently deployed units
//value - strength to set max strength to (should be >= 1.0) or to add (can be negative too; note that the final strength cannot be less then 1 %)
 command = {
  type = strength_cap which = infantry when = 0 where = 0 value = 70
 } #when = 0 where = 0省略可
 command = {
  type = strength_cap which = armor when = 1 where = 1 value = -20

**変更されたイベントコマンド [#p88bfa33]

***内政 [#i56eff1a]
:type = name where = TAG/-1 [which = &#160;string ] |国家タグ-1(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# where change name of TAG or of current country if where = -1; which - new country name; use empty string ( ) or no which to reset name to default. name now can be a string in any of the CSV text files.

:type = flag_ext where = TAG/-1 [which = "string"]|国家タグ-1(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# where change flag of TAG or current country if where = -1; which - add that string to flag/shield/counter name and skin folder; use empty string ("") or no skip to clear.

***外交 [#m027034a]
:type = embargo which = TAG/-1 where = TAG/-1 [value = -2/-1/0/1/2/3] |国家タグ-1(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# which enforcer; where subject;
//# value: -2  clear tech embargo; -1  clear trade embargo; 0 or no value clear all embargoes;
//#1 &#160; enforce trade embargo; 2 enforce tech embargo; 3  enforce both trade and tech embargoes;
//# which = -1 : use current country as enforcer;
//# where = -1 : use current country as subject;
//# If which = where : value = 0 (clear all embargoes the country has),
//# -1 (clears all trade embargoes the country has),
//# -2 (clears all tech embargoes the country has)

:type = control which = [tag/-1] &#160;value = [prov id]|国家タグ-1(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# Set controller of province [prov id] to country [TAG] or to current country if which = -1

:type = secedeprovince which = [tag/-1/-2-3] value = [prov id] [when = 0(default)/1/2]|国家タグ-3(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# Secede province value =[prov id] to country which=[TAG] or to current country (which = -3) or to the country that currently controls it (-1) or currently owns it (-2);
//# when = 0(default) use the old secede logic (has some flaws; kept for compatibility), 1 use new secede logic (only controlled provinces change control, only owned provinces change ownership) , 2  set owner and controller to TAG no matter who currently owns or controls the province

:type = secedearea which = TAG/-1/-2/-3 value = AREA_NAME [when = 0(default)/1/2]|国家タグ-3(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# Secede provinces in AREA_NAME to country which=[TAG] or to current country (which = -3) or to the country that currently controls it (-1) or currently owns it (-2);
//# when = 0(default) use the old secede logic (has some flaws; kept for compatibility), 1 use new secede logic (only controlled provinces change control, only owned provinces change ownership) , 2 set owner and controller to TAG no matter who currently owns or controls the province

:type = secederegion which = TAG/-1/-2/-3 value = REGION_NAME [when = 0(default)/1/2]|国家タグ-3(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//# Secede provinces REGION_NAME to country which=[TAG] or to current country (which = -3) or to the country that currently controls it (-1) or currently owns it (-2)

:type = addcore &#160; which = [prov id][where = TAG/-1]|国家タグが使えるようになった。省略または国家タグ-1はイベント発生国。
//# Add new national province to TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined

:type = removecore which = [prov id] [where = TAG/-1]|国家タグが使えるようになった。省略または国家タグ-1はイベント発生国。
//# Remove national provinces from TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined

:type = addclaim which = [prov id] [where = TAG/-1] |国家タグが使えるようになった。省略または国家タグ-1はイベント発生国。
//# Set province [prov id] as claimed by TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined

:type = removeclaim which = [prov id] [where = TAG/-1]|国家タグが使えるようになった。省略または国家タグ-1はイベント発生国。
//# Remove province [prov id] from claimed provinces list for TAG or current country if where = -1 or not defined

***資源 [#tbcb83b9]
:type = transport_pool which = [country tag/-1] value = X (adds/removes transports from pool)|国家タグ-1(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//#-1 is current country

:type = escort_pool which = [country tag/-1] value = X (adds/removes escorts from pool)| 国家タグ-1(イベント発生国)が使えるようになった。
//##-1 is current country

***軍事 [#gc07e92d]
:type = revolt which = [Prov_ID/-1/-2/-3] [when = 0/1]|パルチを発生させる。Prov_IDはプロビ番号を指定する。
//# creates a partisan division in province with ID = Prov_ID or in a random province (which = -1/-2/-3).
//# [which = -1] - selects a random owned and controlled non-national province; "when" setting is ignored
//# [which = -2] - selects a random owned and controlled province; "when" setting is ignored
//# [which = -3] - selects a random controlled province; "when" setting is ignored
//# [when = 0] (default) - province must be owned by the country; when = 1 - ignore current owner and controller of the province

***ユニットの修正 [#y4068f80]
:type = [unit value] which = [land, division type, brigade type] value = [X](%)|(現在の値から±で指定)''land''で陸軍全体を指定できる
::[unit value]|out_of_fuel_speed/ no_fuel_combat_mod/ no_supplies_combat_mod/ soft_attack/ hard_attack/ ground_defense/ air_attack/ air_defense/ build_cost/ build_time/ manpower/ speed/ max_organization/ transport_weight/ supply_consumption/ fuel_consumption/ speed_cap_art/ speed_cap_eng/ speed_cap_at/ speed_cap_aa

:type = [unit value] which = [air, division type, brigade type] value = [X](%)|(現在の値から±で指定)''air''で空軍全体を指定できる
::[unit value]|no_fuel_combat_mod/ no_supplies_combat_mod/ air_attack/ strategic_attack/ tactical_attack/ naval_attack/ air_defense/ build_cost/ build_time/ manpower/ speed/ surface_detection/ air_detection/ transport_capacity/ supply_consumption/ fuel_consumption/ range

:type = [unit value] which = [naval, division type, brigade type] value = [X](%)|(現在の値から±で指定)''naval''で海軍全体を指定できる

::[unit value]|no_fuel_combat_mod/ no_supplies_combat_mod/ naval_attack/ air_attack/ shore_attack/ naval_defense/ air_defense/ build_cost/ build_time/ manpower/ speed/ surface_detection/ air_detection/ visibility/ transport_capacity/ supply_consumption/ fuel_consumption/ range

-注意:''unit value''が''build_time''もしくは''build_cost''の場合には、''where = relative''を追加することができます。
// NOTE: For "build_time" and "build_cost", it is possible to add the field "where = relative".
// This means that the value is parsed as a relative modifier (%) instead of an absolute addition.
// When doing this, THE BASE VALUE OF MODEL 0 IS USED FOR _ALL_ MODELS. So "value = -10" means
// "-10% of the value of model 0".
:command = { type = build_time which = infantry value = -10 }|歩兵の生産時間に-10日の修正を適用
:command = { type = build_time which = infantry where = relative value = -10 }|歩兵の生産時間に-10%の修正を適用
-注意2:''unit value''が''build_time''、''build_cost''もしくは''manpower''の場合には、''when = on_upgrade''を追加することが推奨されます。
// NOTE 2: For "build_time", "build_cost" and "manpower" it is recommended to use "when = on_upgrade" for perfomance reasons. (these 3 modifiers are not applied directly to the existing units)
// For all other modifiers it is recomended to use "when = now" (or skip the "when" setting) to apply those immediately to all currently deployed and future units.

***ユニットの修正 [#j342b895]
:type = [Terrain_type] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X](%)|地形による戦闘修正
::[Terrain_type]|plain_attack/ plain_defense/ desert_attack/ desert_defense/ mountain_attack/ mountain_defense/ hill_attack/ hill_defense/ forest_attack/ forest_defense/ swamp_attack/ swamp_defense/ jungle_attack/ jungle_defense/ urban_attack/ urban_defense/ river_attack/ shore_attack

:type = [Terrain_type] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X](%)|地形による移動修正
::[Terrain_type]|plain_move/ desert_move/ mountain_move/ hill_move/ forest_move/ swamp_move/ urban_move/ jungle_move

:type = [Weather_type] which = [division type/brigade type] value = [X](%)|天候による戦闘修正
::[Weather_type]|clear_attack/ clear_defense/ frozen_attack/ frozen_defense/ snow_attack/ snow_defense/ blizzard_attack/ blizzard_defense/ rain_attack/ rain_defense/ storm_attack/ storm_defense/ muddy_attack/ muddy_defense

*Ver.1.04 Finalで追加/変更されたイベントコマンドリスト [#na1a8c64]

**追加されたイベントコマンド [#uc728016]
***軍隊関連 [#md52c699]
:type = damage_division which = "Exact Name" value = [tag] where = X|指定名称("Exact Name")の師団の戦力値(充足率)を減少させる。&br;&br;which以下&br;"Exact Name"に正確な師団名を入れる。&br;&br;value以下&br;国家タグを指定する&br;&br;where以下&br;減少させたい戦力値(充足率)を正の数値で入力する&br;もし負の数値を入力すれば戦力値(充足率)が回復する&br;
//# Damage a named division for a certain country. where = Percent of Max Strength. Negative value is strength gain. Division could end with strength between 0 and Max Strength. 
この戦力値(充足率)減少コマンドは、[[旧バージョン>MOD/イベントコマンドリスト#l5cce4cf]]では、ユニットの正確な「div id」が&br;分からなければ特定ユニットの戦力値(充足率)を減少させることが不可能((新規生産師団のdiv idはランダム割振り))であった((汎用性のない事実上の''死にコマンド''であった))が、&br;正確な「ユニット名」を入力することで戦力値(充足率)を減少させることが可能になった。&br;
例:対象国「アメリカ(USA)」のユニット名「USS アリゾナ」の戦力値(充足率)を30%に減少させる
 command = {
  type = damage_division which = "USS アリゾナ" value = USA where = 30

:type = remove_units which = [all/land/air/naval/division_type] [where = TAG/-1/-2] [when = 0/1/2/3] value = [prov_ID/Area Name/Region Name/Continent Name] |対象国(TAG)の指定する大陸/地方(リージョン)/地域(エリア)/プロヴィンスの指定ユニット(which指定)を全て解散する&br;&br;where以下&br;TAGは対象国のタグ指定&br;-1はイベント発生国&br;-2は存在する全ての国家が対象&br;&br;when以下&br;0がプロヴィンス(when省略時のデフォルト)&br;1が地域(エリア)&br;2が地方(リージョン)&br;3が大陸&br;&br;value以下&br;when = 0のとき、prov_ID&br;when = 1のとき、地域(エリア)名称&br;when = 2のとき、地方(リージョン)名称&br;when = 3のとき、大陸名称&br;&br;注:whenとvalueはセットで使用する(セットでない場合無効となる)&br;when省略時はprov_ID以外無効
//# Remove units of a country from province, area, region or continent. 
//# Command applies to deployed units, units redeploying to or loaded on planes/ships at the target area. 
//# Units loaded on removed transport vessels will be redeployed to the capital.
//which = all (Default) / land / air / naval / division_type					# Type or class of units to be removed
//where = TAG / -1 (current country   Default) / -2 (apply to all countries)	# Apply to units of the specified country
//when = 0 (Province - Default) / 1 (Area) / 2 (Region) / 3 (Continent)		# Zone type to apply the command to
//value = prov_ID (when = 0 or no  when  used) / Area Name (when = 1) / Region Name (when = 2) / Continent Name (when = 3)	# Where to apply the command 
 command = { 
  type = remove_units which = land where = GER when = 2 value = Germany
 command = { 
  type = remove_units which = all where = -2 when = 0 value = 163 #when = 0省略可
 command = { 
  type = remove_units which = infantry where = -1 when = 1 value = Brandenburg

**変更されたイベントコマンド [#b85fdad4]
***イベント連鎖関連 [#m32692d4]
:type = setflag which = [キー名] when = 0(標準)/1 value = X (初期値1、0も1として解釈される)|グローバルフラグの値を
(when = 0)[キー名]=Xとする。
(when = 1)[キー名]=[キー名]+Xとする。

:type = local_setflag which = [キー名] when = 0(標準)/1 value = X (初期値1、0も1として解釈される)|ローカルフラグの値を
(when = 0)[キー名]=Xとする。
(when = 1)[キー名]=[キー名]+Xとする。

***外交 [#md244645]
:type =	inherit which = [tag] when = 0(default)/1/2/3 value = 1/0(default)|対象国(tag)を併合する。-1でランダム&br;&br;Value以下&br;1が併合する国が元の国のユニットを引き継ぐ(生産中も含む)&br;0が引き継がない
//# This country inherits country Tag, [-1] for random. Value = 1 : country will receive all units and production queue too
//when = 0 (default) - old behavior (no player controlled country can be annexed by this command)
//when = 1 - Host could not be annexed in MP or SP games (in SP games this is effectively the same setting as when = 0)
//when = 2 - Host could not be annexed in MP games only (to avoid game stop for all other clients)
//when = 3 - Any player controlled country can be annexed

:type = end_access which = [tag] [when = 0(default) /1]|軍事通行権を破棄&br;&br;when以下&br;0はイベント発生国が対象国(tag)に与えていた軍事通行権を破棄(デフォルト、従来形式)&br;1は対象国(tag)がイベント発生国に与えていた軍事通行権を破棄
//# Revoke military access for nation
//[DH 1.04] Added a new optional parameter: when = 0 (default - end access we gave to [country tag]) / 1 ([country tag] ends access given to us)

:type = province_revoltrisk which = [Province ID] value = X|[prov_id]のプロヴィンスのパルチザン発生率をX上昇させる&br;Province IDが-1の場合、所有/占領プロヴィンスからランダム選択&br;&br;旧バージョンからの変更点:-1の「プロヴィンスをランダム選択→所有/占領プロヴィンスからランダム選択」
//# Adds value = [x%] revoltrisk to province = [prov id; use -1 for random owned and controlled province].

***資源 [#ccf0be56]
:type = add_prov_resource which = [prov id/-1/-4] value = X where = [energy/metal/oil/rare_materials]|指定プロヴィンス([prov_id])に資源を追加する&br;-1は所有プロヴィンスからランダム選択&br;-2は首都プロヴィンス&br;-4は原子炉が存在するプロヴィンス&br;&br;旧バージョンからの変更点:-1の「プロヴィンスをランダム選択→所有プロヴィンスからランダム選択」
// # -1 is random owned province, -4 is province with nuclear reactor.

***研究 [#ka8d6c53]
:type = sleepteam which = [tech team id] [when = 0(default)/ 1 ]|対象研究機関(tech team id)を使用不能にする&br;&br;when以下&br;0はデフォルト、従来形式(start yearを2001年に設定する)&br;1はstart/end yearsを変えずにdormant設定(コマンドwaketeamで再登場させることも可能)にする
//# Makes this team unavailable (sets "start year" to 2001. Will complete current project though.)
//[DH 1.04] Added a new optional parameter: when = 0(default, old behavior)/1(do not change team start/end years but only make it dormant) 

***将軍関連 [#jc3d7ba4]
:type = sleepleader which = [leader id/-1]|[leader_id]の将軍を使用不能(dormant設定)にする。-1でランダム&br;dormant設定のため、コマンドwakeleaderで再登場させることも可能。&br;コマンド機能的にはDDAの粛正機能から左遷機能に変わったというイメージ。&br;&br;旧バージョンからの変更点:将軍の永久使用停止から''dormant設定''に変更された&br;旧バージョンでは将軍の永久使用停止機能が機能していない(wakeleaderで復活する)ため実質的には何ら変わらない
//# Dormant this leader (can be woken up later).

***軍隊関連 [#uc02aed5]
:type = build_division which = [division type] value = [brigade type] when = XXX cost = x.xx name = "unit name" where = [days for 1st]|生産画面に追加する。&br;出来上がった物がもらえるわけではない。労働力(人的資源)が必要。&br;&br;when =は連続生産数を整数で指定(最大99)。&br;&br;cost =はAI用として初期コスト(IC)を正の値で指定する。&br;name = "unit name"は最大で''半角255文字まで使用可能''、半角256文字を超えるとバグる&br;なお、DDA/AOD/旧VerのDHまでは半角31文字までの制限がある&br;&br;旧バージョンからの変更点:半角31文字までの制限を半角255文字まで拡張
//# This command requires MP for each division it adds to the queue. So if you don't have enough MP one or more (even all) of the units could not be added to the production queue. 
//- when = XXX			# Sets serial line XXX items long.
//- cost = x.xx 			# Sets starting cost. Note that this cost will be changed automatically for players to match correct cost and for the //AI if it is higher then the correct cost! If set to negative (-0.2) , then the cost will be fixed for players too (set to 0.2) and for AI countries this unit will be inserted on top of the build queue instead of being appended at the bottom.
//- name = "unit name"	# Sets unit name. Note that it cannot be more then 256 characters in size!
//- where = XXX			# Sets days till completion of the first item. //Note that it cannot be bigger then default completion time of 1 item!

:type = add_division which = [name] value = [div type] when = model where = [brigade type / negative number]|師団が配備される&br;いわゆる魔法の壺から出来上がった物がもらえる&br;&br;which以下&br;ユニットネームは最大で''半角255文字まで使用可能''&br;&br;where以下&br;旅団の設定(brigade type)がある場合、コマンド実行時点で研究完了している旅団の最新型が付属される&br;なお、付属旅団は1種類のみ、このコマンドでDHの機能である複数旅団を付属させることはできない&br;&br;負の数値を入力した場合、その数値分が戦力値(充足率)から減少させた師団が配備される&br;&br;コマンドadd_corpsとセットでの使用を推奨(使用しない場合、未配置プールに配備)&br;なお、本コマンドの機能的に「未研究で解禁されていないユニット/研究完了していないユニット世代」であっても、無視されて配備される&br;例えば「空母未解禁状態/超大型空母世代指定」でも無視されて配備可能&br;また、DDA1.2(2.2.2)の有名なバグであるイベント追加海軍ユニットのユニットアイコンに付属旅団が表示されないバグは解消している。
// # Brigade model is always the latest. If a preceding add_corps command has been used, the division will go to that unit, otherwise to the force pool. If when is negative number, then a damaged unit will be created (when = -80 will create a division with STR = 20)
 command = { 
  type = add_division which = "第1歩兵師団" value = infantry when = 9 where = artillery
 command = { 
  type = add_division which = "第1歩兵師団" value = infantry when = 9 where = -80

***ユニット修正 [#t03cf414]
>[[unit value>MOD/イベントコマンドリスト#xdfd4181]]にdefensiveness/ toughness/ softness/ morale/ suppressionが新設された
>''[unit value]'' = out_of_fuel_speed/ no_fuel_combat_mod/ no_supplies_combat_mod/ soft_attack/ hard_attack/ defensiveness/ toughness/ softness/ morale/ suppression/ air_attack/ air_defense/ build_cost/ build_time/ manpower/ speed/ max_organization/ transport_weight/ supply_consumption/ fuel_consumption/ speed_cap_art/ speed_cap_eng/ speed_cap_at/ speed_cap_aa

>[[task type>MOD/イベントコマンドリスト#r944db01]]にplanned_defense, air_scramble, sneak_move, naval_scrambleが新設された
>''[task type]'' = attack, rebase, strat_redeploy, support_attack, support_defense, reserves, anti_partisan_duty, planned_defense, air_superiority, ground_attack, runway_cratering, installation_strike, interdiction, naval_strike, port_strike, logistical_strike, strategic_bombardment, air_supply, airborne_assault, air_scramble, convoy_raiding, asw, naval_interdiction, shore_bombardment, amphibous_assault, sea_transport, naval_combat_patrol, sneak_move, naval_scramble

**ユニット関連変数一覧 [#h5119c4e]
***師団 [#t9e47d2c]



***旅団 [#q8cce43d]


